Thursday, February 14, 2008

American Dream turns to Nightmare.

Let's hope that whoever makes it to the Presidency has the strength of character to trigger a halt to this American nightmare of shootings.

Monday, February 11, 2008

People in glass houses.

There is absolutely no reason to believe that Archbishop Rowan Williams was "under the influence" when he made those remarks about Sharia Law. But he'd better be aware that, under Sharia Law ... he could get stoned.

Archbishop Rowan Williams

So the Archbishop of Canterbury sees Sharia Law in a rosie colour? Gee, I reckon he's been looking at it through those stained glass spectacles of his.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Australian's "First byte" blog.

Why does Prime Minister Kevin Rudd feel it necessary to hold a brainstorming summit - doesn't he read our bloody "First byte" blog comments on The Australian Newspaper's website?