Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Great Uncle Archie's Grave

My Great Uncle Archie was a teenager when he came to Australia from England just before the First World War . He signed up with the Australian Imperial Force at Armidale, New South Wales on 12th October 1915. He was killed in action in France on 20th April 1918, and was buried in Frechencourt Communal Cemetery, 7 miles north of Amiens. 1992 Gunner Archibald Abbott. 10th Australian Field Artillery Brigade. My father was born in 1919 and was named Archie in his honour.
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Barry Hall punches Brent Staker

Barry Hall is an ugly big brute

There's nothing about him that's cute

He hit poor old Staker

With a vicious haymaker

The swine should be given the boot!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Acacia tree.

Colin Hugh Abbott admiring the Acacia trees at home in Jarrahdale, June, 2008. It was getting a bit late in the day. Hey! What's that between Colin's legs? Ah yes, it's Hilary ... well ... her shadow anyway. I'm afraid the Acacias are growing like weeds - I shall have to pull lots of them up. They're not native to this part of Australia. They do look rather beautiful though ... don't they?
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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Ugly Dictators

There are two ugly dictators the world would be well rid of - Robert Mugabe and the Paris Fashion Week.